Relapse Prevention Programs in Cleveland, OH (216) 666-2727
One of the common misconceptions about drug and alcohol addictions is that these conditions are somehow just a lack of willpower or strength. However, this is far from true. Addiction is actually a diagnosable and treatable chronic and relapsing disease. This means that there is no cure for the disease and even if a person goes into remission (through abstinence from use), it can recur if a person slips. Because addictions are relapsing, relapse prevention programs are of the utmost importance. Drug Detox Centers Cleveland knows that high quality addiction treatment should always include strong relapse prevention programs in order to help a recovering addict successfully recover.
A Relapse Truth Check
To understand why relapse prevention programs are so important, you need to understand the truth about relapse. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse reports that between 40 and 60 percent of people who go through addiction treatment will relapse at some point. This means that relapse prevention programs are not only helpful but a virtual necessity to keep a person from reverting back to old habits almost immediately after treatment is complete.
How Relapse Works
There is a difference between a lapse and a relapse. A lapse is a momentary or one-time slip in which a person uses drugs or alcohol again once they have completed recovery from that substance. Oftentimes, these are isolated incidents and if more than one lapse occurs there is a great deal of time in between them.
Relapse, on the other hand, is a reversion to the behaviors and compulsive substance abuse that characterized their Alcohol Abuse or Drug addiction before recovery. There is a process that relapse follows. The three different stages of relapse proceed in order and a person can seek out help or treatment at any point during the process to get themselves back on track in their recovery and abstinence.
The first stage of relapse is an emotional relapse. A person going through emotional relapse does not necessarily think about substance abuse, but instead begins to experience negative emotions or resume unhealthy habits that could lead to substance abuse. These can include depression, anger, frustration, poor eating and sleeping habits, and social isolation.
During the second stage of relapse, the mental stage, a person actually begins to think about substance use and abuse. This means that they may be thinking about their past drug abuse and behaviors or may be thinking about ways to begin those behaviors again. This is a dangerous stage of relapse as the recovering addict’s mind is working against them.
The third and final stage of relapse involves fully resuming substance abuse and the compulsive behaviors that go along with it. This stage, of course, will require a person to go back through Medical Detox to overcome it.
Relapse Prevention Programs
Relapse prevention programs are designed to help recovering addicts learn to identify signs of relapse, their own personal triggers, and then to develop ways to cope with them. Oftentimes this is accomplished through cognitive-behavioral therapy as well as alternative treatments such as art therapy, drama therapy, meditation, and yoga (among many other options). That way, when a person encounters a trigger in the real world, the will have positive habits and hobbies to turn to rather than substance abuse.
Drug Detox Centers Cleveland offers a wide variety of relapse prevention programs that can help you to abstain from substance abuse after treatment. Give us a call at (216) 666-2727 to get started in your recovery as soon as possible.

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