Moral Reconation Therapy in Cleveland, OH (216) 666-2727

Drug and alcohol addiction treatment takes many different forms, in spite of what movies and television would tell you. There are numerous different types of treatment programs available to suit people’s learning styles, personalities, and needs. One of the effective, yet little known treatment options is Moral Reconation Therapy. Drug Detox Centers Cleveland can be your guide to finding the perfect program to suit your needs.

What is Moral Reconation Therapy?

Moral Reconation Therapy (also referred to as MRT) is a form of cognitive-behavioral therapy. This means that it focuses on thoughts, feelings, and actions as well as the motivations that lead to all of these aspects of a person’s life.

The first thing you need to understand about Moral Reconation Therapy is the fact that it is based on the notion that a person who develops an addiction to drugs or alcohol is motivated by the desire to seek out instant gratification and constantly pleasurable experiences while avoiding anything painful or unpleasant. These hedonistic tendencies lead a person to consume drugs or alcohol without regard for the long-term negative consequences that come along with substance abuse.

Moral Reconation Therapy seeks to remedy these issues by helping a person to develop higher moral reasoning and to take their own well-being as well as that of others into account when making choices and decisions.

The Moral Reconation Therapy Focus (216) 666-2727

The focus of Moral Reconation Therapy is first and foremost to help a person to improve and build their self-esteem and self-efficacy.  Drug and alcohol addictions cause a person to lose a great deal of their self-esteem, particularly when they begin to suffer the various consequences of those addictions including damage to relationships, legal or financial problems, and the like.

To improve a person’s self esteem MRT focuses upon trying to help a recovering addict to develop a purpose in their life and to set meaningful and attainable goals for their life and future. Having these goals helps a person to have more motivation to take better care of themselves as well as develop a strong sense of compassion for others.

Moral Reconation Therapy relies on honesty to be effective. If a person is not honest with themselves, then they cannot truly heal or overcome the issues that led them to develop an addiction and therefore cannot build positive self-esteem and self-efficacy. Self-reflection requires a person to be open and willing to confront their demons.

The Steps of the Moral Reconation Therapy Process

When a person decides to pursue MRT, they are committing to a treatment program that involves 16 therapy sessions. During these 16 sessions, there will be seven primary areas of focus that are worked through in order. These seven areas of focus include:

  • Confronting of unhealthy behaviors and self-destructive attitudes and beliefs
  • Assessing relationships with friends, peers, and loved ones
  • Establishing positive habits and behaviors
  • Forming a positive self-image and self-identity
  • Reinforcing a healthy and positive self-concept
  • Getting rid of and replacing hedonistic tendencies and learning to tolerate frustration
  • Developing a higher sense of moral reasoning and seeing the big picture

If you want to make Moral Reconation Therapy a part of your drug or alcohol addiction treatment program, contact Cleveland Drug Rehab Centers as soon as possible to get yourself started in the process of overcoming your addiction. Just call us today at (216) 666-2727.